
Dork Digital Photo Competition - Free computer Cleaning and Upgrades

Dork Digital First Mobile Photo Contest
1Month Long (Jan. 5 - Feb. 5)

The rules are simple with this one. We are looking for creativity and overall awesomeness in the photos. Each person may only submit one photo in each of the two categories! If more than one photo is submitted for one of the categories only your first one is counted. No exceptions! When sending in the photo also ad the make and model of the phone it was taken on

*Winners of both categories get free upgrades for the software that is installed on their computer and will also receive a full cleaning of the entire inside of their computer.

Contest 1) BEST Mobile Photo - Anything Goes!
    In this category we are looking for the best photo period no matter what. Keep in mind that the winners will be posted on our page and on Facebook.com so don't submit anything you don't want viewed online!

Contest 2) BEST Mobile Photo - Most unorganized Desk!
    This can be staged or natural. Here we are judging on just plain outrageously, unbelievably, messy and unorganized straight up!

We are trying to keep this broad to allow people to send in a lot of different mobile photos.
Please send all photos to (Dork.Digital@yahoo.com) and/or (361) 589-9712

*One person may win both categories! We are hoping that we do get a different winner for each.